tip of my board

tip of my board

Friday, May 2, 2014

Balance in All Things

When I first started paddling the balance was about me, the board and not falling in.  I was like a baby deer on new legs.  My legs would shake, the board would feel unsteady and I was sure that I would fall in at any moment.  I didn't want to paddle in the wind or waves because that felt worse -- scary.

Over time, balance has become about something else.  My legs no longer shake.  I'm not afraid of wind or waves.  Some days I welcome them because now they are a challenge and I usually WIN!

Now balance is about what paddling brings to my life.  So if I have a bad day, or I have something on my mind that I can't work out -- I get out on the water.  I am steady on the board, surrounded by creatures that I love, some that have meaning to me.

I find that my mind clears, that better thought patterns emerge.  I write things in my head while I paddle.  I come up with new ideas for workshops, for life, for my future.  I work to focus on what I want.

I breathe in deeply and then I breathe out deeply.  I look for the hidden things on the water.  Sometimes that is wildlife.  Sometime I look for things that are  hidden in the water that might throw me off balance.  I have learned to be able to quickly avoid the snags.

This morning was one of those days that I was on the water looking for, striving for balance.  I was also looking for snakes.  For me they stand for transformation.  They are also so graceful in the water.  I went two hours without seeing one.  I was almost to the dock and disappointed.

AND THEN... just in front of me was a snake swimming across the lake.  I stopped paddling and stood on the board, balanced, and breathed in the grace of the snake.  Hoping that it was heading to a destination it was looking for.

I felt blessed to bear witness to its journey.  I left the water refreshed, balanced and ready for the day ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. It is so inspirational and a reminder of how important balance is in all areas of our lives. Thanks Shane!!
